Sabtu, 5 Ogos 2017

Chibimomoiro itu aku

ohhh yeahhh

Aku nk wat video sbnrnye tp ak lak x reti nk edit and all the incomplete-never -ending tools I need but not for me to own  (maybe in future la, in sya Allah) and also you guys wont want to watch a vid of me kan *rolling my eyes* . Giler bnyk pkai data kan,, tu laa nnti ak ade good app/software or just hire adek ak utk compress the shit out of the video but then ak kne pay them.  Well I would but I guess nk tnjuk korg je pun so yeah not worth it.  hehe.

so before Cik Sarah tlis entry tu ak da penah rekod myself ckp psl apa ak wat skrg ni.. in which later that day ak hantar kt Cik Ika tp ntah die x tgk kot (pathetic btul ak).  Video tu was unintentional pun, adek ak asked me something ke ak asked dia ntah then I was lying down and happend to bkk camera and the lighting was so nice despite the dark room and crappy quality camera phone kan.

so lantakla itu

so here are the FIVE things that you might get yourself confused about myself, 
-your friend,
yang jauh
my FAQ r gak

1. Ko keje?
Ika ade ckp "eh ko x keje kt skolah da ke?"
regarding she told about a trip to Japan and how she wants to go 
for a regular trips every year (You will my friend, In sya Allah) and told me to go 
while cuti skolah but I just laughed la sbb holiday trips during cuti skolah just don't do me much, I mean Woa and wow I'd love to but idk- wellsomething on that later-
So the answer to my oqn question up there, Ye, ak keje and as a high school teacher kt skolah kecik dlm felda.  If you reading this asap by the time I publish this, this month, on 15th, my age as an official teacher (but x sah lagi taw,,mende laen tu ak sndiri xpaham) is ONE YEAR OLD.

and Ika might brought up the questions sbb ak penah (and always am) wanting an out from this field so much,  But I want you guys to knw, I'm okay (no, not really) no jk im ok (psss no Im not) 

2. Whereabouts?
All u guys know, I moved into another state (wont tell la this might be read by who know, so not much on personal details lah, hence the changes on your names) in the year of 2014 and I got posted in a school within the same state, not far, quite close but not close enough to allow me to actually ulang alik to my workplace and back to home.
 tapi boleh je nk ngulang.  Mase first weeks ak ditempatkan kt tmpt keje tu, ak tmpang colleague ni, berulang everyday dr Seremban to Jempol.
and so I am renting a house with a housemate like 15 to 20min
drive to my workplace and by weekends Ill be home, my real home la.

3. Drive?
Ya, since my housemate decided to be my housemate 
early this year, we decided to find a house yg aci dok kt tengah2, walau die jauh gler from her workplace so hence the current rental house tu.   With that, ak kne ade own transport la and also since ak ingt dgn surat dpt keje tu leh buatkan kte xperlu byr down pyment tu. hehe. DIAM.
so ak da debutkan Valerie Buff ak tu kt dlm whatsapp kte kan.  
and usia ak as a driver is 8 months? 
despite I got my licence the same year Sarah dpt, 
I nvr really did drive anywhere.  
also, as days passed by I discover bits of my personality as a driver. and woa.
and despite ak ade Valerie, ak kdg2 balek ngan bas.

4. Anak?
Skrg (unless ko baca entri ni bler korang da ada ank 3), anak sedara ak dua orang, 
a two year old girl and a latest addition early this year, 
a nephew who resembles a lot like his father.  
Too bad, ktorg dok jauh,, they might develop hatred kt ak, 
I'd blame them anyway and I might develop that myself
hahha..jk ..jk
(tell me about yours or soon to be weh)

5. Current Obsession
- Music: Melanie Martinez, Meghan Trainor, James Morrison
- Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
- Elle Fanning
- Beyonce
- Marvel Movies
- Poetry (I have a growing collection of this, feel free to add more to them)
- Rilakkuma (I have a growing collection of this, feel free to add more to them, thanks to Ika la for this obsession of mine)
- Verse novels (I have a growing collection of this, 
feel free to add more to them, especially children's books)
- Make up products reviews
- Vlog Channel (Tgk balek RyanHiga & Jenna Marbles)
- Western names ( ˘ ³˘)❤
- Family Vlogger > Life with Beans
discovered depa kt instagram then ak follow smpi one day they decided nk wat Youtube channel and ak slh sorg subscriber la

dari dorg sebesar ni
Image result for chloe and beans

Sampai la besaq ni.. 

sorg je girl, teka la mane
haa dedikasi x ak? they post daily vlogs.
(ak x suke bdk sbb ak awkward but these guys are exception, 
tringin nk cuddle ngan depa, tringat kt Dina la plak)

and my ultimate bias is RIHANNA

and ada gak la perkara-perkara yg on hiatus, sbb nk give my poor heart a break.

 (I hate talking and typing rojak weh omg but utk ni xpela blog bersama and I saw our posts pun rojak)

ok sorry pnjg lebar but that's it for now la utk mengenali sejauh mane ak mcm ak n sejauh mana ak da jd Rihanna

and harap korg pun dpt la releasekan butir-butir penting diri utk sesame kte catch up what's we've been missing out.

ak sertakan notes kot utk vid (yg x jd tu) n to write this,,
nk 10 points trmasuk on my students la tp heck no need la.
.....maybe later.

bye.( ˘ ³˘)❤

oh ya I also write stuffs.
